Sunday, March 18, 2012


I've officially did created my first mug and showed it to some of my neighbors for their input. They actually were interested in the model and told me that if i continue to make these products they would begin to buy my products and become my customers.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Making it Happen

Ive official gathered a few subscribers that have actually been interested in supporting me and purchusing one of my porudcts when their finished. I've been putting the word out about my project and ive started to create a mug, and other items

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Ive been continueing my person project and subscriptions. Ive started to gather materials to actually create a beer mug out of wood, but it's just a replica or souvenier to remind you about how people utilzed their resources to make things. I also began doing reasearch on how to make country or western items that would benefit my buisness.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Ive been coming along good with my project. I informed the communtiy about my mission and what type of products I was going to make. They seemed to enjoy the products that i was making and seemed to support me for my products, but that im also a young entrpreneur from their community

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Personal Project

Day One:
I've came up with the idea of starting a business that would help me gain money but at the same time bring back the old western culture. Now of days technology has taken over and people fail to realize how things were done and made. Soo im going to start a buisness and create reaplica's of old country aand western things suck as S hooks and beer mugs and other items
